QUICK REFERENCE FOR VDE v1.61 ----------------------------- Note (synonyms) and [PC keys], as indicated. ^ = [Ctrl] ^J = help menu Esc? = switch to MenuBar mode CURSOR MOVEMENT: ============================================================== ^E ([^]) = up ^D ([>]) = right ^F (^[>]) = word right ^X ([v]) = down ^S ([<]);[BkSp] = left (opt) ^A (^[<]) = word left ^QS,[<] ([Home]) = to Start of line ^QB = to start of Block ^QD,[>] ([End]) = to enD of line ^KK = to end of blocK ^QE,[^] (^[^]) = to top of screen ^PZ = insert place marker ^QX,[v] (^[v]) = to bottom of screen ^QZ = to next place marker ^QR (^[Home]) = to top of file ^QL = to Last page ^QC (^[End]) = to bottom of file ^QN = to Next page Esc[Tab] = variable Tab forward ^QP = to Previous position in file Shift[Tab] = variable Tab backward ^QI = to specified page/lIne [Tab] = to next Tab stop (hard/variable) SCREEN: ======================================================================= ^W ([-]) = scroll back 1 line ^OE,[^] = make current line top of screen ^Z ([+]) = scroll forward 1 line [5] = make current line center of screen ^R ([PgUp]) = Page Up Esc[^],[v] = shift frame up, down 1/4 screen ^C ([PgDn]) = Page Down Esc[>],[<] = shift frame right, left 32 cols ^V ([Ins]) = Insert on/off ^OZ = blank (Zap) screen ^OW = split Window ^] = word insert on/off ^OD = control coDes on/off (page preview) ^OQ = header on/off (Quiet) ^OB = hard returns on/off ^OT = ruler line on/off SYSTEM COMMANDS: ============================================================== AltG = enter Graphic AltT,D = insert Time, Date AltS = Split up file AltE = EGA 43/50 lines AltO = move w/Overview bar AltV = change driVer AltA = ATI 132 columns AltR = Run DOS command AltU = Use VDF/K file AltI = show VDE version and program Information MULTIPLE FILES: =============================================================== AltW = split Window with two files AltF = move to other File window AltB,N = Back, Next file ^[PgUp,PgDn] = Page both files Up, Down AltC,P = Cut, Paste a block AltM = Match two files, show differences AltL = Load another file AltX,Q = eXit, Quit from all files DELETING: ===================================================================== ^G = delete character to right [BkSp];[<] = move/delete char to left (opt) ^T = delete word to right ^[BkSp];[Del] = delete char to left/right (opt) ^QT = delete To specified character ^Q[Del] = delete to beginning of line ^Y = delete current line ^QY = delete to end of line ^U = Undo last deletion (character, word, line, or block) SEARCHING: ==================================================================== ^QF = Find specified string ^L = repeat Last find/replace ^QA = find & replAce string ^_ = wildcard (any character) DISK FILES: =================================================================== ^KI = file/memory Info ^KF = File browser ^KE,N = rEName current work ^KS = Save and continue ^KX = eXit, save file ^KD = Done, load new file ^KQ = Quit without saving ^KL = Load new file ^KJ = delete (Junk) file ^KR = Read file into text ^KA = set Autosave interval BLOCKS: ======================================================================= Shift[^],[v],[<],[>],[Home],[End],[PgUp],[PgDn] = mark block ^KB,K = mark start, end of BlocK ^KC = Copy block ^KY = delete block ^KW = Write block to disk file ^KV = moVe block ^KH = Hide block ^KZ = Zoom in/out of block ^K",',^ = upper, lower, switch case in block ^K# = autonumber items in block FORMATTING: =================================================================== ^OL,R = set Left, Right margin ^OC = Center line ^OF = Flush-right line ^OP = set Page length ^^ = toggle case ^ = insert space ^B = reformat paragraph ^N = insert hard returN, break line ^OV = hard/Variable tabs ^OI,N = set, clear variable tab ^OJ = right Justification on/off ^OK = proportional spacing on/off ^OG = paraGraph indent on/off ^OH = Hyphenation on/off ^OA = Autoindent on/off ^OM = autoforMat on/off ^OX = margin release on/off ^OS = doubleSpace on/off PRINT CONTROLS: =============================================================== ^P = insert special Printer code ^KP = Print the text PRINT TOGGLES: ================================================================ ^PB = Boldface ^PS = underline ^PT = superscript ^PX = strikeout ^PD = Doublestrike ^PY = italic ^PV = subscript PRINT SWITCHES: =============================================================== ^PH = overstrike character ^PG = pause printing ^PQ = user-defined 1 ^PM = overstrike line ^PL = form feed (page break) ^PW = user-defined 2 ^PA = Alternate pitch ^P# = autonumbering marker ^PE = user-defined 3 ^PN = Normal pitch ^PI = hard tab ^P- = soft hyphen ^PR = user-defined 4 MACROS: ======================================================================= Esc[ = define/run a macro Esc] = store macro on alphanumeric key (0-9, A-Z) Esc" = record a macro Esc0...Z = use stored macro Esc! = jump to label Esc; = brief pause Esc& = chain to key Esc=,~,$ = tests, loops Esc(),+,- = counter for programming [F1...F48] = function keys Esc* = universal toggle set =============================================================================== Note: See VINST.REF for programming of user-defined print switches and function keys.